Meet the team

Chloe Howard (Production Manager)
Chloe is a bi-coastal transplant into the Midwest by way of Florida and Oregon. In high school she worked for a local radio station before moving to Chicago upon graduating. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Television Writing and Producing from Columbia College, and also has four cats, which are all equal achievements in her mind.

Mike Hover (Co Producer)
California-grown Mike Hover is a big kid pretending to be an adult. Mike’s comedy training includes Second City, ComeysportzLA, and watching old sitcoms on MeTV. He can been seen performing stand up and improv on various stages around Chicago. Mike does have one TV credit: being eaten by a dinosaurs on the SyFy channel, which helps fill up bios like this one. Mike uses his film degree to take photos and make short films of Legos (Instagram @lego_funtime). When he has free time he solves mysteries around the Midwest with his wife and dog.

Justin Parlette (Co Producer)
Justin Parlette is a comedic actor and nap enthusiast. He has trained at The Second City, The Annoyance, and with Jimmy Carrane. Justin’s credits include shows throughout the Chicagoland area with the Bearded Devitos and Uncle Bobo. He co-created the critically-acclaimed and audience-ignored web series DEAD WAIT, and once came very close to accidentally killing Stan Lee at a party. Justin lives in Chicago with his wife and their many cats.

Ross Berman (Director)